The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is raging. There is a real chance that your labour organisation is feeling the effects of the conflict or the actions taken by the international community in response to it.
Sooner or later, every organisation will have them at their door: "the social inspection". In Belgium between the 1st of January 2022 and the 30th of September 2022, there were as many as 10,706 inspections carried out in companies in different sectors.
What are the ground rules you should follow when collecting, using and securing personal data? The European Privacy Day on 28 January lets us pause to reflect on the procedures to ensure personal data protection. This is also relevant in the HR world, as organisations often hold all kinds of personal data on their employees.
A draft sector agreement for the years 2021-2022 was drawn up in the General Joint Committee for Employees (PC 200). The PC 200 includes more than 50,000 employers, together employing more than 400,000 white-collar workers. Once the agreement is concluded, it will therefore have an impact on many employers. Here you can read which agreements are on the table.
Employers affected by the corona crisis can put their employees on temporary unemployment since March 2020. In principle, the temporary unemployment days due to corona do not count for the calculation of holidays and holiday pay the following year.
Every two years, the sectors negotiate new sectoral agreements. They are doing so after the national social agreement (IPA) is approved. Some sectors already have an agreement for 2021-2022, others are still negotiating.
Laws and regulations change regularly, and this affects you as an employer or your employees. Acerta therefore provides you with an overview of the socio-legal changes that are planned for October.
If you still need to rely on temporary unemployment after 30 September, you will be able to do so until the end of the year due to the relaxed procedure for temporary unemployment based on force majeure.
The August index exceeded the guaranteed average minimum monthly income pivot (GMMMI). From 1 September 2021, the amounts will increase by 2 %.