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Temporary unemployment is extended until end 2021

If you still need to rely on temporary unemployment after 30 September, you will be able to do so until the end of the year due to the relaxed procedure for temporary unemployment based on force majeure.

Relaxed procedure

The relaxed temporary unemployment procedure was created for all organisations severely affected by the consequences of the coronavirus and the measures to prevent its spread. The procedure was relaxed for employers, to spare them unnecessary formalities. For employees, the benefit was raised to 70 percent of the capped wage.

More than a million workers have already been put out of work temporarily since the start of the corona pandemic. The relaxed procedure was extended every time, as long as necessary. Labour Minister Pierre-Yves Dermagne had already allowed the relaxation until 30 September 2021. There is now also clarity on the last quarter of 2021: the relaxed procedure would be extended until the end of 2021.

Temporary unemployment possible until end of 2021

The relaxed procedure for temporary unemployment due to force majeure is extended until the end of 2021. 

Do you want to call on temporary unemployment due to corona force majeure? Then it is not necessary to submit an application to the RVA to start the temporary unemployment. You must however be able to prove the reason for the force majeure.

Proving force majeure

If you want to appeal on temporary unemployment because of corona force majeure, you also have to be able to prove the grounds for force majeure. This means you can only apply temporary unemployment when the lack of work in your company is a consequence of the corona pandemic. Draw up a motivated file with the reasons for the application for temporary unemployment, and keep it up to date so you can present it in the event of an inspection by the RVA.


It will also still be possible to apply temporary unemployment for workers who have to be quarantined and cannot telework, or for workers who have to provide care for a child who is in quarantine or cannot attend school or childcare.

No C 3.2 A inspection cards to be completed

It is still not necessary to issue and complete C 3.2 A inspection cards. This also applies to the C 3.2 A construction.

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Nele Mertens_acerta

Written by

Nele Mertens

Juridisch adviseur

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