Euclid Law: exit Britain, enter Acerta

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Euclid Law: exit Britain, enter Acerta

Imagine being part of setting up a law firm in your living room in Brussels. You specialise in UK and EU competition law and before you know it, you open new headquarters in the English capital London, where you employ another 15 employees. And you pass on the entire payroll administration to Acerta. This is the story of Johanan Tang, Business Manager and Head of Marketing at Euclid Law, in short.

Top-of-mind HR service provider

Johanan Tang was introduced to Acerta even before he helped found Euclid Law. “Before I was part of starting our own business, I worked as a legal assistant at Clifford Chance. There, they used and are still using Acerta's services for everything related to payroll. When my employer Oliver Bretz founded a law firm at the end of 2014, we had to look for an HR partner to take care of our payroll. Acerta was top-of-mind, so the decision was quickly made."

Have they considered other parties too? Johanan explains: “Yes, we contacted several service providers but ended up choosing Acerta quite quickly. I had hoped that the start of our cooperation would be a straightforward process, and it was. The collaboration with Acerta is working, and is becoming more and more extensive. We have not encountered any problems so far and therefore have absolutely no regrets about our choice."

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) for payroll administration

Euclid Law employs 15 employees in their London headquarters, most of whom are lawyers. Johanan himself still resides in our capital and hopes to welcome 1 to 2 new employees in the Belgian office in the near future. “Brexit accelerated our operations across the channel, and we had to expand rapidly in terms of staff in the UK. But in Belgium, in the near future, we also hope to grow to be as big as our English branch. Acerta is our permanent partner that supports our growth. For example, they helped us find an accountant, defining our social responsibilities, with questions about international employment, and so on. As far as our payroll and related activities are concerned, we are confident in their expertise."

Flexible and efficient cooperation

Outsourcing's greatest asset is that it is flexible. You can for instance opt for partial or even complete handling. So that you as business manager can focus on the core of your business.

But according to Johanan, the Acerta consultants are also extremely flexible: “My questions and requests are dealt with quickly and correctly. Moreover, the consultants with whom I frequently work with, Carine Martin and Frédéric Hespel, are very helpful. They are always ready to provide additional explanations. If I have to choose one word to describe the collaboration, I invariably choose 'efficient'."

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