Acerta assists CDS thanks to Business Process Outsourcing

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Acerta assists CDS thanks to Business Process Outsourcing

CDS, a subsidiary of Hewlett Packard Enterprise which had its roots in the former Synstar, has been a client at Acerta for many years. Petra Vorsselmans started working in the CDS HR department in 2011. She enjoys the collaboration with Acerta and is very satisfied with the services provided. So satisfied, in fact, that in April 2019 she decided to expand the collaboration and leave part of the payroll to Acerta.

Transformation, including payroll administration

CDS has experienced many transitions and restructuring over the years, the last transformation of which took place in 2017. When at the end of 2018 their payroll employee for Belgium, France and Luxembourg regions left the company, CDS then decided to rely on Acerta's Business Process Outsourcing services for their payroll activities.

Of course, CDS did not make up their mind overnight, they thoroughly considered the decision to leave the payroll and payroll administration to Acerta. “CDS considers Acerta to be an informed HR service provider. That expertise was crucial to outsource at Acerta. We have always been happy with their services, and their experienced consultants in particular."

Payroll provider with knowhow

And so it was done: the duties that were previously carried out in-house at CDS, were outsourced to Acerta. "An Acerta consultant handles our payroll, another manages the payroll motor, and yet another supports the technical part. When our permanent employee resigned at the time, there was a one-month notice period. During that month, we had an Acerta consultant to deal with the payroll administration. The knowledge transfer between our former employee and the Acerta in houser proceeded smoothly, you could see she was very familiar with the subject and the tool. In retrospect, Acerta's in-houser also ensured a seamless transfer of knowledge to the employees of Business Process Outsourcing at Acerta."

Outsourcing = saving time, to focus on the matter at hand

Since recently, CDS employees can now also contact Acerta directly with all their wage-related questions. "Although some internal employees still come knocking on my door with their questions, I already feel I am 'unburdened'. I'm working on so many different projects, and I don't always have the time to focus on administrative issues.In this respect, Acerta's consultants offer a huge added value.You only have to tell them something or ask them once, and they immediately know what it is about and are ready with a clear answer. At first, Lea Van Malderen was our point of contact at Acerta, but as she found a new internal challenge, Nadia Bayoudh became our regular contact, with Patricia Knight as backup. I only have the greatest praise for them, they respond immediately, put the customer first, and are very driven."

Payroll outsourcing?

Trust the knowledge and expertise of the Acerta consultants. Contact us for more information.

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