To the office locator

Acerta Leuven

General info

Diestsepoort 1, 3000 Leuven

Route description on Google Maps

Free parking at De Bond, Martelarenplein 18. Voucher at the reception.

Make an appointment and briefly explain the reason for your visit, so we can assist you personally, efficiently and correctly.

You can go here for

Payroll services provider
Telephone number: 016 24 51 29
Fax: 016 25 53 52
Opening hours

Monday through Friday
9.00 AM – 12.00 PM

Opening hours with appointment

Monday through Thursday
13.00 PM. – 17.00 PM
13.00 PM – 16.00 PM

Acerta kantoorgebouw Leuven_acerta

Acerta Leuven

Diestsepoort 1, 3000 Leuven

Route description on Google Maps